Tutti i bambini hanno il diritto di poter vivere in buona salute e avere accesso alla migliore assistenza sanitaria disponibile, di cui le vaccinazioni sono un pilastro fondamentale. Nel mondo, ogni anno, le vaccinazioni salvano 4,4 milioni di bambini colpiti da malattie prevenibili e curabili.
Nel 2022 l’UNICEF ha somministrato vaccini contro il morbillo a 23.8 milioni di bambini.
Quest’anno People Lab Srl , aderendo al programma Impresa Amica, contribuisce a sostenere l’UNICEF nella fornitura di vaccini ai bambini e alle bambine più svantaggiati nel mondo.

On 18 March 2023 in Sudan, the Federal Ministry of Health with support from UNICEF, WHO and other partners launched the first round of the nationwide polio outbreak response campaign.
The integrated house-to-house campaign targeted over over 8.9 million children under 5 years who also received vitamin A supplements to boost their immunity against diseases including measles and polio.
On 16 December 2022, Sudan declared a new polio outbreak after a variant type 2 poliovirus (cVDPV2) was confirmed in a four-year old boy in Kereinik locality, West Darfur state.

On 18 March 2023 in Sudan, the Federal Ministry of Health with support from UNICEF, WHO and other partners launched the first round of the nationwide polio outbreak response campaign.
The integrated house-to-house campaign targeted over over 8.9 million children under 5 years who also received vitamin A supplements to boost their immunity against diseases including measles and polio.
On 16 December 2022, Sudan declared a new polio outbreak after a variant type 2 poliovirus (cVDPV2) was confirmed in a four-year old boy in Kereinik locality, West Darfur state.